Evaluation with CAD plugins

There are two ELCOVISION 10 plugins available for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. The ELCOVISION 10 Plugin with which ELCOVISION 10 projects can be evaluated in CAD and the ElcoTools Plugin which provides a lot of additional drawing functions especially for surveying purposes.

Registering the CAD plugins

Before the first start the plugins must be registered in the CAD, this is also necessary if you install a new release of AutoCAD or BricsCAD:


Click Register!. After that the ELCOVISION 10 CAD Plugins with the registered commands are available in the CADs:

Start of the Plugins

Entering "elcovision" in the command line of AutoCAD/BricsCAD starts the ELCOVISION 10 Plugin.

Entering "elcotools" in the command line of AutoCAD/BricsCAD starts the ElcoTools Plugin.
Entering "elforensic" in the command line of AutoCAD/BricsCAD starts the ELCOVISION 10 Forensic Plugin.